Saturday, November 28, 2009

Kay, so my mom is forcing me to get my hair cut short...?

Like really short, I was wondering how I should get it cut though. I have black hair, that is wavy-ish.

Kay, so my mom is forcing me to get my hair cut short...?

its not your moms hair its your hair so why should she decide what it should look like, im not being mean or anything but you have to live with your hair style so you should like it, dont let her decide, have a look on fashion websites and in hair magazines to see what YOU really like good luck x

Kay, so my mom is forcing me to get my hair cut short...?

the question is, do u want to cut it?

Kay, so my mom is forcing me to get my hair cut short...?

you shouldn't get it cut really short, but long enough so u can put it up nicely.

Kay, so my mom is forcing me to get my hair cut short...?

Bobs are always cute.

Kay, so my mom is forcing me to get my hair cut short...?

its true its not ur moms hair but if anything u can do layers and keep some of the hair long

Kay, so my mom is forcing me to get my hair cut short...?

First of all, it's YOUR hair. If your mother likes short hair or wants short hair tell her to cut her own hair. Second, if you absolutely must must must get your hair cut short, get a hair magazine. Third, you need to figure out if your hair is thick or thin. There are many short hair styles out there but only a select few that will work with your hair texture. I would find a couple that you like, maybe even consult a couple of your friends and take a poll. Find out which ones they like best and which ones they think would look good on you. Then take those to the salon. Your stylist will be able to work with you as well as explain to you which hair style will work best for you. Just remember, don't you anything that you will not be happy with or that will be hard for you to do. Also, watch your stylist if she or he is cutting it in a way that you don't like make sure to speak up.

Kay, so my mom is forcing me to get my hair cut short...?

If you have no choice, go to the styling salon and look through their style books. You will probably find one you like there. You can probably find them on-line as well. Go to their websites and check them out. You and your mom can go through them together until you agree on one acceptable to you both.

Kay, so my mom is forcing me to get my hair cut short...?

What area do live in? i'm a hairdresser, don't go to short look a pictures of eva longoria and maybe go an inch above the shoulder no layers jus tapered in the front with a sweep bang. use a straitening iron to give it shine and make it look sleek.

Kay, so my mom is forcing me to get my hair cut short...?

Be rebel against her, that's the life...

Kay, so my mom is forcing me to get my hair cut short...?

OK, you must have done something to piss her off, so she's making you chop off all your hair. Either that or she wants you to be cool and comfortable for the summer (a summer cut).

Well, at least she's letting you choose the style. Some moms would just drag their daughters down to the hair place and have them cut it all off and shape into a pixie, a buzzcut, or even a marine flattop (that's for those girls who REALLY piss off their moms).

But whatever you decide, good luck. I hope she'll allow more control over your own hair as you get older (at least till you get married...).

Kay, so my mom is forcing me to get my hair cut short...?

try these styles

Kay, so my mom is forcing me to get my hair cut short...?

it's your hair. why don't you ask to keep growing it and then donate 10" to locks of love, then you are doing something good with it instead of just chopping it off and throwing it away. you're gonna change someone's life if you donate it. YOUR hair grows, those patients' DOESN'T. maybe if you tell your mom you have a goal for it she won't have you cut it yet.

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