Thursday, June 17, 2010

Should I cut my hair during the summer?

It's not like very very long right now but over should to my chest right now. Over the summer i'm going to be going to asia and it's really hot there. Should i cut my hair so that it's up to my shoulders? I don't think i look that great with short hair but i haven't had like up to shoulder length hair since like....3rd grade...LOL i only want to leave it short for the summer though..would it grow back to normal before september starts? My hair doesn't grow that fast, but then again i don't cut it a lot so maybe that's why? My hair is like really really reallyyyy thin too =( would short hair be better for thin hair?

Should I cut my hair during the summer?

Shoulder length isn't that short so you wouldn't be losing too mch... I just recently had hair to about your length and got it cut the shoulder length.... Mine is also very thin and has been for ever... I've always liked it better when it is short because you can style it so that it doesn't appear that thin. For instance try flipping your hair in a little... It will frame you face and add some volume to your hair. As for if it will grow back... the average humans hair grows about 4 inches a year... so it probably wont be back this summer.. but if you cut it in around late spring you should have some of it back. Hope i helped!

Should I cut my hair during the summer?

I personally think that thin hair should be short, but if you like it long, keep it long!... get extenstions thinken it out!, just tie it up when you are there, or get it braided, then you just don't have to worry! x

Should I cut my hair during the summer?

Well... I think if u have strait hair to get it up to ur ears like a bobby but if u have curly hair go sholder lanth. and also don't get it cut untill July.

Should I cut my hair during the summer?

You don't have to cut to your shoulder. You could just cut it a little bit so you don't have to care that much.

Should I cut my hair during the summer?

well if you want it short for summer, why not? get it layered and sometimes shoulder length looks a bit odd, like its not short but its not long. so maybe a bit shorter than shoulder length? i dont think your hair will grow back to normal by september but give it a try!

Should I cut my hair during the summer?

What do you think about braiding it? It is so cool for traveling becuase it saves you a lot of time. Plus, you can put different colors in it, so you change your apperience w/o any radical or permanent changes. Plus, it is a new spring trend. Take a look at the pics here, I am loving it!

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