Thursday, June 17, 2010

!! I really need advise on my hair cut!!!?

Ok, well I have long brown pretty curly hair, and on friday I am going to get it cut. I want to go blonde, and have a long blunt bang, layered around my face and up to about my collar bone.

Heres a similar example:

and here is me:

Please can I have opinions and tips on how to maintain it and stuff, thank you!!!

!! I really need advise on my hair cut!!!?

I think the blunt fringe is a great idea - it's really popular at the moment and looks fantastic. I actually got my haircut just like just a few weeks ago and I love it! My fringe is really thick so it maintains shape and there's pretty much no work involved in keeping it looking like that. However, since your hair is naturally curly, it might be a job keeping it straight so you'd have to be willing to straighten it often as it may make the fringe a little wonky. But I definetly think you should go for it!

As for the blonde, I was considering it but since I have quite dark brown hair I don't really know how best to go about it. One thing I can suggest in make sure you get it done at the hairdresser and don't try to bleach it yourself. It might take a few attempts to make it light blonde - it usually goes from brown to orange, and that's just part of the process. Make sure you top up the dye every now and again to avoid bad roots, and also heavily condition it or it will get really dry!

Good luck with the haircut!

!! I really need advise on my hair cut!!!?

the cut sounds cute but are you sure you want bangs? they are such a hassle. i think the color hair you have is pretty...why don't you do highlights? it's less damaging and brown hair is so pretty. I don't know so many girls dye their hair blond and it doesn't always look as pretty as their natural.

!! I really need advise on my hair cut!!!?

Its a really nice hairstyle and color I think it would look really nice on you. R u planning to straighten it out cause the color and the cut would look nice with curly hair but im not to sure how the bangs will look. U can always try it out though.

!! I really need advise on my hair cut!!!?

God I would love hair like yours!

Blonde would probably look nice but be prepared for the shock if you have it done

it would be a big difference and may take time to get used to

why not try it? you can always dye over it back to your origional colour

anyway yeah I think it would look nice

use a shampoo for coloured hair and plenty of conditioner

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